Outcomes Research

Health outcomes research is a field of study that evaluates the end results of healthcare practices and interventions on patient health, quality of life, and overall system efficiency. It focuses on understanding how medical treatments, healthcare services, and policies impact patient outcomes, including clinical effectiveness, safety, cost-effectiveness, and patient-reported experiences. This research integrates data from clinical trials, real-world evidence, epidemiology, and health economics to inform decision-making and improve healthcare delivery.

The health outcomes research group in the Columbia Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology investigates a broad range of subjects within obstetrics and gynecology including health care utilization and outcomes related to gynecologic oncology, benign gynecology, obstetrics, perinatology, women’s mental health, and reproductive endocrinology. Research performed by this group incorporates expertise and collaborators from other fields across the university including faculty in epidemiology, biostatistics, informatics, computer science, and engineering. Faculty active in this research area have published numerous manuscripts in high-quality journals, hold national leadership positions and funded projects from the National Cancer Institue ant the National Institute of Child Health, as well as conduct presentations at high profile scientific meetings. 

Faculty Active in this Area