Clinical Curriculum

For accepted residents looking for information regarding educational objectives or policies and procedures, please log in to MedHub.
First Year Clinical Rotations
The rotational assignments in the PGY-1 year are designed to develop a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of obstetrics and gynecology. Residents receive training in basic ultrasound techniques by spending time in our state-of-the-art obstetrics and gynecology ultrasound units during the REI/Ultrasound block. A rotation in primary and preventive ambulatory care provides residents with a firm clinical base on which to build their skills in patient care.
- Obstetrics
- Benign Gynecology
- Gyn Oncology
- Family Planning
- REI/Ultrasound
- Primary and Preventive Ambulatory Care
- Allen Ob/Gyn
Second Year Resident Rotations
Residents in the PGY-2 year are given increased clinical responsibilities and exercise a greater role in the management of patients on all services. Residents are able to solidify their understanding of the basic concepts in obstetrics and gynecology and participate in more advanced procedures.
- Obstetrics
- Benign Gynecology
- Gyn Oncology
- Family Planning
- REI/Ultrasound
- Maternal Fetal Medicine
Third Year Clinical Curriculum
The PGY-3 year affords residents the opportunity to concentrate on their mastery of surgical skills and the development of comprehensive management practices. Residents learn to serve as consultants to other specialties on the Ob/Gyn consult and clinic rotation and work closely with our MFM fellows and faculty in the care of antepartum patients with complex obstetrical problems. Third year residents also have an elective rotation, which they may use to pursue specialized clinical training or research, either in-house or at an outside institution.
- Minimally Invasive Gyn Surgery
- Obstetrics
- Benign Gynecology
- Maternal Fetal Medicine
- Ob/Gyn Consult and Clinic
- REI/Ultrasound
- UroGyn/Pediatric and Adolescent Gyn
- Elective
Fourth Year Clinical Curriculum
During the PGY-4 year, chief residents assume the responsibility of managing each service as they prepare to become independent practitioners. An integral part of their role is to supervise and teach junior residents and medical students. Chiefs also continue to expand their surgical repertoire as they complete advanced training in the gynecologic subspecialities, including oncology, reproductive endocrinology and infertility, urogynecology, and reconstructive pelvic surgery.
- Minimally Invasive Gyn Surgery
- Obstetrics
- Benign Gynecology
- Gyn Oncology
- REI/Ultrasound
- UroGyn/Pediatric and Adolescent Gyn
- Elective