The number of women in the United States who died during pregnancy or shortly after giving birth increased sharply during the first year of the pandemic.
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Columbia University Irving Medical Center is pleased to welcome Uma M. Reddy, MD, MPH as our new Vice Chair of Research.
At five months pregnant with my second child, I clutched my cramping stomach, trying in vain to prop myself into a comfortable position in the passenger seat of the car.
Queens resident Primkumarie Bahadur was pregnant and feeling very ill. She tested positive for COVID-19 which soon developed into severe COVID-19 pneumonia.
The rate of babies born premature in the United States has declined for the first time in six years, but experts warn it is not a cause for celebration.
For full-term, low-risk patients, induction of labor with a Foley balloon alone or with prostaglandins is associated with a significantly lower risk of adverse neonatal outcomes than with PGE alone
One group of maternal health experts in 2016 urged doctors to give all women heparin shots after C-sections, barring specific medical risks for individual patients.