SMFM 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting
Numerous faculty, fellows, residents, and medical students from Columbia University are presenting at this year's Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine meeting, taking place virtually from January 25-30. All of the Columbia-affiliated scientific presentations featured at the meeting are displayed below.
Poster Presentations
- Mirella Mourad, Noelle Breslin, Syeda Sbaa, Leslie Moroz, Chia-Ling Nhan-Chang, Whitney Booker, Sherelle Laifer-Narin, Laurence Ring, Richard Smiley, Adela Cimic, Yongmei Huang, Caryn St Clair, Alexander Melamed, Jason Wright, Mary D’Alton, Fady Khoury-Collado. Poster 186. Cesarean Hysterectomy for Placenta Accreta Spectrum: Comparison of Two Management Strategies
- Maria Andrikopoulou, Timothy Wen, Austin Oberlin, Jean-Ju Sheen, Nicole Krenitsky, Caitlin Baptiste, Dena Goffman, Anna Staniczenko, Mary D’ Alton, Alexander Friedman. Poster 188. Risk Factors for Nulliparous, Term, Singleton, Vertex Cesarean Birth
- Brittany Arditi, Timothy Wen, Laura E. Riley, Mary D'Alton, Alexander Friedman, Kartik Venkatesh. Poster 220. Trends in racial disparities in adverse outcomes with influenza in pregnancy
- Maria Andrikopoulou, for Eunice Kennedy Shriver NICHD Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units Network, Bethesda, MD, United States. Poster 291. Neonatal and maternal outcomes in laboring nulliparas by cesarean and operative vaginal delivery rates
- Brittany Arditi, Sbaa Syeda Cheng Chen, Timothy Wen, Clara Bertozzi Villa, Ukachi Emeruwa, Samsiya Ona, Cynthia Gyamfi-Bannerman. Poster 587. Disparities in COVID-19 Incidence and Outcomes by Insurance Type
- Veronica Kane, Maria Andrikopoulou, Clara Bertozzi-Villa, Cynthia Gyamfi-Bannerman. Poster 595. Low Dose Aspirin for Preterm Birth Prevention in Low-Risk Mothers by Race
- Nicole Krenitsky, Timothy Wen, Anna Staniczenko, Mary D'Alton, Alexander Friedman. Poster 626. Risk of maternal peripartum complications by mode of delivery among patients with superobesity
- Eliza C. Miller, Benjamin Carper, Natalie A. Bello, Noel Bairey Merz, Philip Greenland, David M. Haas, Lisa D. Levine, Corette B. Parker, Ronald Wapner, George Saade, for the nuMoM2b-Heart Health Study Investigators. Poster 633. Association of second-trimester uterine artery Doppler abnormalities with maternal hypertension 2-7 years after delivery
- Desmond Sutton, Matthew Oberhardt, Malavika Prabhu, Corrina Oxford-Horrey, Laura Riley, Mary D’Alton, Dena Goffman. Poster 711. Obstetric Comorbidity Index Corresponds with Racial Disparity in Maternal Morbidity & Provides Insight for Risk Reduction
- Desmond Sutton, Matthew Oberhardt, Malavika Prabhu, Corrina Oxford-Horrey, Laura Riley, Mary D’Alton, Dena Goffman. Poster 739. Maternal Transfusion May Overestimate Severe Maternal Morbidity When Used as an Indicator
- Anna Staniczenko, Timothy Wen, Nicole Krenitsky, Mary D’Alton, Alexander M. Friedman. Poster 871. Teen Pregnancy and Risk for Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes
- Nicole Krenitsky, Timothy Wen, Anna Staniczenko, Mary D'Alton, Alexander Friedman. Poster 880. National neonatal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by superobesity
- Sarah Al-Nafisee, Eve Overton, Cynthia Gyamfi-Bannerman. Poster 894. Antenatal Steroids in Diabetic Mothers and Neonatal Hypoglycemia: A Retrospective Cohort Study
- C Baptiste, D Sutton, T Jacob, A Capi, B Arditi, S Syeda, N Breslin, C Chen, K Fuchs. Poster 904. Prenatal genetic diagnostic testing during the COVID-19 pandemic
- C Baptiste, N Breslin, A Chong, F Vallese, BK Costabile, K Fuchs, O Clarke, F Mancia, D Goffman, AC Uhlemann, C Gyamfi-Bannerman. Poster 919. Rates of seroprevalance of COVID-19 among pregnant patients in New York City
- Noelle Breslin, Dana Becker, Cynthia Masson, Shai Bejerano, Jessica Giordano, Ronald Wapner, Russell S Miller. Poster 942. Prevalence of Genetic Abnormalities in Isolated and Non-Isolated Fetal Omphalocele
- Samsiya Ona, Shai Bejerano, Cheng Chen, Melanie Polin, Brittany Arditi, Joy Vink, Jaclyn Coletta, Cynthia Gyamfi-Bannerman, Amy Turitz. Poster 947. Recurrence risk of short cervix in women with history of short cervix and term delivery
- Samsiya Ona, Maria Andrikopoulou, Cheng Chen, Russell Miller, Lynn Simpson, Cynthia Gyamfi-Bannerman., Amy Turitz. Poster 951. The association between COVID19 infection and umbilical artery Dopplers in growth-restricted pregnancies
- Samsiya Ona, Nicole Krenitsky, Cheng Chen, Jacqueline Hairston, Anne Reed-Weston, Melanie Polin, Brittany Arditi, Joy Vink, Mirella Mourad, Jaclyn Coletta, Amy Turitz, Dena Goffman, Mary D’Alton, Cynthia Gyamfi-Bannerman. Poster 953. Risk of cervical shortening and spontaneous preterm births during the COVID19 pandemic
- Ukachi N. Emeruwa, Cynthia Gyamfi-Bannerman, Timothy Wen, Jason D. Wright, Mary D'Alton, Alexander Friedman. Poster 991. Adverse outcomes during postpartum readmissions after deliveries complicated by hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
- C Baptiste, H E Williams, AV Dharmadhikari, J L Giordano, V Aggarwal, R Wapner. Poster 1007. Umbilical cord segment collection allows for comprehensive genetic diagnostic testing at delivery
- Timothy Wen, Alexander M. Friedman, Nicole Krenitsky, Lily Liu, Mary D’Alton, Mirella Mourad. Poster 1039. Maternal transfer of care and mortality risk in obstetric patients with sepsis
- C Bertozzi-Villa, B Arditi, S Syeda, C Baptiste, D Sutton, L Simpson, K Fuchs. Poster 1050. Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Initial Obstetric Ultrasounds in New York City
- Noelle Breslin, Dana Becker, Caitlin Baptiste, Jessica Giordano, Ronald Wapner, Russell S Miller. Poster 1056. Can prenatal omphalocele characteristics predict genetic abnormalities?
- Ukachi N. Emeruwa, Samsiya Ona, Ka Kahe, Cheng Chen, Sbaa Syeda, Clara Bertozzi-Villa, Brittany Arditi, Jessica Spiegelman, Alexander Friedman, Alexander Melamed, Russell S. Miller, Cynthia Gyamfi-Bannerman. Poster 1068. Racial and ethnic disparities in pregnancy related to SARS-CoV-2 infection
- Karin Fuchs, Desmond Sutton, Mary D'Alton, Dena Goffman. Poster 1147. Laboratory evidence of COVID-19 infection in gravidas in the first 6 months of the pandemic.
- Desmond Sutton, Karin Fuchs, Mary D'Alton, Dena Goffman. Poster 1161. Six Month Experience of Universal COVID-19 Screening of Patients Delivering at an Urban Academic Center
- Nicole Krenitsky, Timothy Wen, Mary D'Alton, Alexander Friedman. Poster 1167. Association of chronic disease and loss of insurance postpartum
- Brittany Arditi, Sbaa Syeda, Desmond Sutton, Caitlin Baptiste, Alexis Panzer, Dena Goffman, Janice Aubey, Julie Ewing, Karin Fuchs. Poster 1168. Impact of the Novel Coronavirus 2019 on Postpartum Length of Stay
Oral Presentations
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Oral Plenary Session 1, 10:30am - 12:30pm
- Matthew Oberhardt; Desmond Sutton; Corrina M. Oxford-Horrey; Malavika Prabhu; Jean Ju Sheen; Laura E. Riley; Mary E. D'Alton; Dena Goffman: Abstract 8, Augmenting/Replacing Obstetric Comorbidity Index with Labor & Delivery Features Improves Prediction of Severe Maternal Morbidity, 12:15 pm
Oral Concurrent Sessions, 4:00 - 6:30pm
- Samsiya Ona; Yongmei Huang; Cande V. Ananth; Cynthia Gyamfi-Bannerman; Timothy Wen; Jason D. Wright; Mary E. D'Alton; Alexander M. Friedman: Abstract 21, Services and safety-net burden of Black-serving hospitals and related Severe Maternal Morbidity, 4:45 pm
- Nigel Madden; Ukachi Emeruwa; Melanie Polin; Shai Bejerano; Cynthia Gyamfi-Bannerman; Whitney A. Booker: Abstract 32, COVID-19 and new hypertensive disease in pregnancy, 5:15 pm
Friday, January 29, 2021
Oral Plenary Session II, Fellows Plenary, 10:30am - 12:30pm
- Timothy Wen; Brittany Arditi; Laura E. Riley; Mary E. D'Alton; Alexander M. Friedman; Kartik K. Venkatesh: Abstract 39, Influenza in pregnancy and severe maternal morbidity in the United States, 2000-2015, 11:15 am
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Oral Concurrent Sessions, 11:00am - 1:00pm
- Brittany Arditi; Timothy Wen; Laura E. Riley; Mary E. D'Alton; Alexander M. Friedman; Kartik K. Venkatesh: Abstract 89, Association of chronic comorbid disease and severe maternal morbidity among pregnant patients with influenza, 10:30 am
- Maria Andrikopoulou; Sunil K. Panigrahi; Giselle D. Jaconia; Richard Smiley; Gabrielle Page-Wilson: Abstract 74, Central cortisol regulation in pregnancy, 11:15 am
- Maria Andrikopoulou; Cynthia Gyamfi-Bannerman; Shai Bejerano; Elizabeth Ludwig; Richard L. Berkowitz: Abstract 94, Perinatal outcomes of asymptomatic versus symptomatic COVID positive pregnant women, 11:45 am